1 # Forced Damped_Harmonic Oscillator
2 # x'' + 2*delta*x' + omega.0^2*x = A cos (omega.f t)
4 # generating oscillation with omega.f
6 coefficient.1(-1) -> -f0 # amplitude
7 coefficient.2 -> omega^2
11 cmultiply f, omega^2 -> omega^2*f
12 invert omega^2*f -> -omega^2*f
13 assign -omega^2*f -> f''
17 # forced damped harmonic oscillation
18 # x'' = -(2*delta*x' + omega.0^2*x) + A cos (omega.f t)
19 coefficient.5(-1) -> -x0 # amplitude of oscillation
20 coefficient.6 -> 2*delta # attenuation
21 coefficient.7 -> omega.0^2 # Eigenfrequency of this oscillator, ^2
25 cmultiply x', 2*delta -> 2*delta*x'
29 cmultiply x, omega.0^2 -> omega.0^2*x
30 isum 2*delta*x', omega.0^2*x, -f -> -(2*delta*x'+omega.0^2*x)-f
31 assign -(2*delta*x'+omega.0^2*x)-f -> x''